BOOK OBJECT 2018 | 3rd International Festival

It’s like having jumped a river from a side to the other: “yesterday” I was a graphic designer and now I’m an Artist, but yet, here I AM, exhibiting with a book, again. That’s funny.

Oggetto Libro / Book Object is an international festival, now at its third edition, that compares Artist’s Book and Book Design with the aim of stimulating a debate on creativity.

The BOOK OBJECT International Festival – created by Susanna Vallebona on the occasion of the XXI Triennale di Milano, received the Honorable Mention at the XXV Compasso d’Oro ADI. It compares the art world and the world of design through the common denominator of creativity and is promoted by SBLU_spazioalbello, Pinacoteca di Brera, National Braidense Library, Mediateca Santa Teresa and Aiap (Italian Association for the Development of Visual Communication), under the patronage of ADI (Industrial Design Association Italy).


November 7th – December 7th 2018 | Brera’s Braidense Library + Mediateca Santa Teresa, Milano

The artist book that have been selected are pieces n.12 and 13 from the series of Leggerezza.

They will be exhibited at National Braidense Library, inside the Brera Academy and Pinacoteca. Such an honour for me. I’ll be present at both vernissages: 7th Nov h 17.00 in Braidense Library and on the 15th Nov h 17.00 in Mediateca.

This is the official web site


7th November / 7th December @ National Braidense Library – Via Brera 28, Milano

15th novembre / 7th december @ Mediateca Santa Teresa – Via della Moscova 28, Milano


Press review

Oggetto Libro web site: about Braidense, about Mediateca
My video on SBLU’s Youtube channel

Vernissage at Braidense Library, 07.12.2018

Vernissage at Mediateca di S. Teresa, 15.12.2018